Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to read a bounce message

So, you or your user just sent an email, and it bounced back. One thing to notice or ask the user is "how long did it take for the bounce to come back?". Although not always important it can help isolate the difference (especially if the user already deleted the bounce) between a routing error and a "hard bounce" if the message was actually rejected (rejections are often instant).

If you're lucky enough to actually have the bounce, you usually have all the information you need to identify the server that had the issue and at least narrow down the cause (if not outright fix the issue). Unfortunately, many antispam services have taken to responding with generic status codes instead of explaining that they blocked the message and at least giving some sort of explanation. This can make the status message (which I'll explain shortly) worthless, but generally it'll be a good place to start.

When you're looking at a bounce (and by "bounce" I mean both a DSN and an NDR) there are three main things to look for.
  1. The sending server
  2. The server that encountered the problem
  3. What the issue was
Now, if the email was going from one user to another on the same domain, 1 and 2 will be the same server. In that case you can skip to section three. If the sender was sending the message out to the internet, 1 and 2 MAY be the same server, but not necessarily, and not nearly as often.

According to RFC 2821 (my clarifications in italics):

"If (a relay server) accepts the task (of relaying an email), it then becomes an SMTP client, establishes a transmission channel to the next SMTP server specified in the DNS ... and sends it the mail"
More information on client/server can be found on the main site, but basically the "client" is the sending server (#1 above), and the "server" is the #2 server above.

1. The Client (sending) server. Also called the "Reporting-MTA".

All email has to have a sender. Even in the event of a "Null sender" the sender exists, it's just Null :-). Generally mail servers will send bounces as a null sender, but forge their name into the headers like "root@sending.server.com".

One thing to note about the "from" string is that Exchange 2010 has a new "feature" (quotes very much intended) where it forges itself as the "from" string in the headers on incoming bounces regardless of whether or not it generated the bounce. This is outrageously annoying as it removes one of the first places end users and novice admins look to see where the error occurred.

It's often presumed that the server where the bounce originates from is the server that had the issue. Although this is possible if it's a local error, most often it is the NEXT server in the route that caused the problem. More below...

You can find out what server is sending the message by looking in a few common places:

  • The "From" header - Often the "From" header in a NDR is "@sending.server.com", this shows that "sending.server.com" is the sending server.
  • The "Generating server" - If the body says "Generating server: sending.server.com", this is the server sending the bounce.
  • The "Reporting-MTA" - The "Reporting-MTA" may be listed in the bounce. If so, this is the sending server.
2. The "Server" server, or the "Remote-MTA"

Remember the section from RFC 2821 before where it says "If (a relay server) accepts the task (of relaying an email)"? Well, that bolded part is important because that's where 99% of your bounces will come from on a daily basis. Most bounces come from a server NOT "accepting the task", and instead delivering a 400 level response (which is like a "not right now, maybe later") or a 500 level response (which is like an outright "absolutely not").

The Remote-MTA is often the only place to find logs of WHY the message was refused. The Reporting-MTA will have logs THAT the message was refused, but will sometimes have less information even than the bounce message itself.

A few common places to find who is the "Remote-MTA" are:

  • The "Remote-MTA:" field in the bounce
  • The "Remote Server:" field in the bounce
  • Where it says "While talking to:" in the bounce
3. What the issue was

If you don't have access to the Remote-MTA's logs (or if it's an internal bounce and there is no Remote-MTA), the bounce will usually have some type of diagnostic text. It won't be as much as the server's logs, but it's a whole lot easier to read a bounce than read through logs. I recommend starting with the bounce :-)

Here are some places to look/things to look for:

  • If the bounce says "while talking to: receiving.server.com" it will say after that "receiving.server.com said:"
  • The bounce may say in the body "Reason:", "Error:" or "SMTP 5.x.x [...diagnostic text...]"
  • The bounce may have text that is configurable by the Remote-MTA such as links explaining the error or general diagnostics. For instance "Rejected due to abuse. See www.some-website-or-other.com/bounce.html for more information"
There can be other information in a bounce like the "Received-From-MTA" or additional headers so you can see the route, but reading headers is often extraneous at this point, and probably deserves an article all to itself. If you're super excited, read RFC 2821 for information on SMTP, and then RFC 3464. That'll cool your heels :-)



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